Link Download Twibbon Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW 2024, Contoh Ucapan Isra Miraj Terbaru 2024. Isra Miraj termasuk dalam peristiwa penting bagi umat Islam karena pada saat itulah Nabi Muhammad SAW mendapatkan perintah untuk menunaikan salat lima waktu dalam sehari semalam.

Salah satu cara untuk memperingati Isra Miraj 2024 adalah dengan mengirimkan ucapan, mengunggah gambar, atau memasang twibbon di media sosial.

Isra Miraj merupakan peristiwa dari dua perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam waktu satu malam. Dikutip dari laman Kementerian Agama, Isra Miraj diperingati setiap malam 27 Rajab dalam penanggalan Hijriah. Tahun ini Isra Miraj akan jatuh pada Kamis (8/2/2024).

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Kisah Peristiwa Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW

Isra Miraj merupakan salah satu peristiwa penting dalam sejarah Islam karena mengisahkan perjalanan rohani Nabi Muhammad SAW. Saat itu, Nabi Muhammad SAW mendapat perintah dari Allah SWT untuk menjalankan salat lima waktu.

Dikutip dari The Story of Prophet Muhammad Night Journey (Isra Miraj) from Earth to Heaven in Islam (2016) karya Muham Dragon Sakura, peristiwa Isra miraj adalah dua perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang terjadi dalam satu malam, yakni pada 621.

Umat Islam memperingati Isra Miraj setiap tanggal 27 Rajab tahun Hijriah. Dalam bahasa Arab, Isra berarti perjalanan di malam hari, sementara Miraj adalah kenaikan.

Kemudian Nabi Muhammad SAW dinaikkan ke langit ketujuh atau Sidratul Muntaha. Isra Miraj kerap dimaknai sebagai perjalanan rohani Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam satu peristiwa.

Akan tetapi, Isra dan Miraj sebenarnya terdiri dari dua bagian perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW, yaitu Isra dan Miraj.

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1. Peristiwa Isra

Peristiwa Isra merupakan perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Kabah di Mekkah ke Masjid Al Aqsa yang berada di Yerusalem.

Saat itu, perjalanan dari Kabah ke Masjid Al Aqsa dapat ditempuh dengan kuda atau unta selama satu bulan. Namun, Nabi Muhammad SAW dapat menempuh perjalanan tersebut hanya dalam satu bulan.

Di perjalanan tersebut, Nabi Muhammad SAW mengendarai hewan bernama Buraq. Buraq digambarkan memiliki tubuh seperti kuda putih dengan sayap dan ekor burung merak.

Sesampainya di Masjid Al Aqsa, Nabi Muhammad SAW dikisahkan memimpin para nabi terdahulu untuk melaksanakan ibadah salat dua rakaat.

2. Peristiwa Miraj

Masih dilansir dari sumber yang sama, Miraj merupakan perjalanan Nabi Muhammad dari Masjid Al Aqsa menujut ke langit ketujuh atau Sidratul Muthana.

Di tiap tingkatan langit tersebut, Nabi Muhammad SAW bertemu dengan nabi-nabi terdahulu. Nabi-nabi tersebut di antaranya:

  • Nabi Adam di langit pertama.
  • Nabi Isa dan Yahya di langit kedua.
  • Nabi Yusuf di langit ketiga.
  • Nabi Idris di langit keempat.
  • Nabi Harun di langit kelima.
  • Nabi Musa di langit keenam.
  • Nabi Ibrahim di langit ketujuh.
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Sejak kedua peristiwa tersebut, umat Islam diwajibkan menjalankan salat lima waktu dalam sehari. Pada mulanya, Allah SWT memerintahkan umat Islam untuk melaksanakan ibadah salat sebanyak 50 kali dalam sehari.

Kendati demikian, Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah diingatkan oleh Nabi Musa as bahwa jumlah tersebut terlalu besar. Nabi Muhammad SAW kemudian meminta keringanan kepada Allah SWT.

Hingga kini, Isra Miraj diperingati sebagai hari besar oleh umat Islam di seluruh penjuru dunia.

Mereka melakukan beragam cara untuk memperingati hari besar ini. Misalnya dengan beribadah, melaksanakan syukuran, hingga mengadakan pengajian.

Berikut kumpulan ucapan, gambar, dan twibbon Isra Miraj 2024.

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Ucapan Isra Miraj 2024

Dikutip dari berbagai sumber, berikut ucapan Isra Miraj 2024 yang bisa dijadikan inspirasi.

  1. There are many ways to encourage yourself, your friends, and your family. One of them is by distributing Isra’ Mi’raj greeting cards as well as Islamic aphorisms that touch the heart.
  2. Hi Muslim friends of the world. Happy Isra’ Mi’raj 1445 Hijri.
  3. Therefore, in welcoming the commemoration of the Isra’ Mi’raj of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in 2024, it is hoped that every Muslim can use it as a momentum to improve the quality of faith and piety to Allah SWT.
  4. In 2024, we should say “Alhamdulillah” sincerely while thanking Allah for all the blessings, sustenance, and all the happiness that is obtained.
  5. But, again for the Mi’raj event, namely the journey of the Prophet Muhammad SAW going up through the 7 heavens to Sidratul Muntaha, it is truly the power of God that cannot be matched by human knowledge and strength.
  6. Prophet Muhammad SAW as described in the Qur’an has carried out Isra’ wal Mi’raj to pick up the command to pray, and see how great the power of Allah SWT.
  7. If we go from Mecca to Palestine by plane, then the time required is not even 3 hours. Even though it’s thousands of kilometers away, right?
  8. Isra’ is the event of the night journey taken by the Prophet with the angel Gabriel by riding the Buraq from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque.
  9. Yes, in the year 621 AD, the fastest vehicle in Mecca was a camel, and to cover 1,239 KM it took a month or even more by riding a camel. However, God’s answer to this extraordinary story did not come at that time but in the present.
  10. If we count, then the distance from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque is 1,239 KM. It was an impossible distance to cover by riding the fastest vehicle in the pre-hijra era.
  11. Warm wishes on Isra and Mi’raj Day to everyone. On this auspicious occasion, let us seek blessings of Allah and forgiveness from everyone whom we may have hurt.
  12. Let us celebrate the occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day by forgiving each other and by asking for forgiveness for our wrong actions. Warm wishes on this day to all.
  13. The occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day reminds us that there is nothing more important than attaining peace in life and we must work for it.
  14. Wishing everyone a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day. This auspicious day reminds us to be good in our actions and in completing our duties.
  15. On the occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day, let us take this opportunity to offer prayers to those who are seek and seek blessings from Allah for a blessed life.
  16. The holy occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day must be celebrated with high spirits. Let us bow our heads and raise our hands in offering prayers to the Almighty.
  17. The auspicious occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day reminds each one of us to fulfill all our duties and responsibilities that we might have missed on during all these years.
  18. Wishing all my near and dear ones a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day. This day is a reminder to every Muslim to offer night prayers and seek blessings.
  19. Let us praise the inspiring law of Prophet Muhammad which guides our lives in so many different ways. Wishing a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day to all.
  20. Let us celebrate the special occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day with our family and friends by offering the night prayers and praying for happiness and peace.
  21. Forgiveness gives us a kind and special feeling. Let us celebrate today by forgiving each other’s mistakes.
  22. Let us praise the inspiring law of Prophet Muhammad which guides our lives in so many different ways. Wishing a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day 2024 to all.
  23. On this Isra and Mi’raj night, let us celebrate the night journey and the holy ascension.
  24. Let us do take this opportunity and do Maghrib after praying the Isha Namaz.
  25. On this Isra and Mi’raj let us praise the law of Prophet Muhammad. Happy Isra Miraj 2024!
  26. We wish you a blessed day! Our best wishes on the observance of Al Isra’a Wal Mi’raj 2024 May this miraculous & inspirational night bring you all the blessings
  27. This Isra Miraj 2024 let us take the chance to preach to the students about the holy night journey of Prophet Muhammad.
  28. On this holy occasion of Al Isra’a Wal Mi’raj 2024 (Night Journey and Ascension), hanyacoretankami wishes you peace and happiness.
  29. Let us remember Isra Wal Mi’raj night as the night of forgiveness. Happy Isra Miraj 2023!
  30. Al Isra Wal Mi’raj The Miraculous Journey Of Prophet Mohammad SAW
  31. This day made us believe in miracles. So let us try to create miracles in life.
  32. On this Isra and Mi’raj let us praise the law of Prophet Muhammad.
  33. Let us praise what Muhammed saw and also not forget to praise the meaning of his journey.
  34. On this day let us do Qaza, fulfill, or complete the duties that one may have missed for any reason.
  35. Let us do take this opportunity and do Maghrib after praying the Isha Namaz. Isra Miraj 2024 Mubarak!
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Gambar Isra Miraj 2024

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  28. Link gambar Isra Miraj 2024
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  30. Link gambar Isra Miraj 2024
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Twibbon Isra Miraj

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  2. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  3. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  4. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  5. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  6. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  7. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  8. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  9. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  10. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  11. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  12. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  13. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  14. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  15. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  16. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  17. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  18. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  19. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024
  20. Link twibbon Isra Miraj 2024

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