KUNCI JAWABAN Kelas 9 SMP Bahasa Inggris Contoh Soal dan Ungkapan, Agreement and Disagreement. Sebagaimana dilansir dari kanal Youtube Miss D pada Senin, 13 September 2021. Kali ini kita akan bahas tentang Agreement dan Disagreement yaitu pada materi kelas 9 SMP.

Tentunya akan dibahas seputar contoh soal dan contoh ungkapannya yaitu bisa dilihat dari segi ekspresi.

KUNCI JAWABAN Kelas 9 SMP Bahasa Inggris Contoh Soal dan Ungkapan, Agreement and Disagreement


Merupakan contoh ungkapan pro atau setuju dengan suatu pendapat. Namun, tak hanya satu saja cara atau ekspresi untuk mengungkapkannya melainkan ada banyak cara, di antaranya:

I agree…..

I agree with you.

That’s so sure…

Tell me about it! (slang)

You’re absolutely right!


That’s exactly…

That’s exactly how I feel!


No doubt about it.


Merupakan contoh ungkapan kontra atau tidak setuju dengan suatu pendapat. Namun, tak hanya satu saja cara atau ekspresi untuk mengungkapkannya melainkan ada banyak cara, di antaranya:

I don’t think so.

I’m afraid I disagree…

I totally disagree…

I beg to differ..

I’d say the exact opposite…

I have a different opinion with you.

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I am of a different opinion.

I cannot agree with your idea.

Not necessarily.

I doubt with that.

Nah, setelah mengenal apa itu agreement dan disagreement serta lengkap dengan cara atau ekspresi mengungkapkannya, mari kita lanjut dengan pembahasan contoh soal berikut.

Edo: The government plans to raise the water bill next month.

Rita: _____ It will increase the number of poor people.

1. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

a. I agree with you

b. I totally disagree

c. I don’t disagree

d. I agree

Ratna: Dian, I think Riri is responsible for this matter.

Dian: Well, I don’t know.

2. From the dialogue, we may assume that …

a. Dian agrees with Ratna

b. Dian disagrees with Ratna

c. Dian has no idea about the case

d. Dian cannot accept the fact

3. The underlined expression expresses …

Mother: You know that Mira always takes sleeping lately to solve her problems.

Father: That’s wrong. It can be dangerous for her life if she doesn’t change her bad habit.

a. Sympathy

b. Possibility

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c. Agreement

d. Disagreement

4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

Windy: Is Bandung Mall near here?

Mia: Yes, it is.

Jack: _____ it’s about 100 kilometers from here.

Windy: Oh, really?.

a. I disagree with you

b. I quite agree

c. I think so too

d. It certainly is

5. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

Maya: So, where will we go?

Nury: How about the beach?

Jane: _______. We have visited a lot of beaches this year.

June: Kuta? Kuta beach sounds interesting, right?.

a. That’s so true

b. I quite agree

c. I think so too

d. I don’t think so

6. Some monkeys,_____use their tails in a way similar to a hand.

a. like the spider monkey

b. spider monkey likes

c. to the spider monkey

d. the monkey likes the spider

7. Your friend says, ” Let us go out tonight” and you think it’s a good idea. You say:

a. Yes, I agree

b. Yes, I am agreeing

c. No, I am not

d. I doubt so

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8. Someone says, ”It’s hot today” and you disagree. You say:

a. Yes, I agree

b. Yes, I am not

c. No, I do not agree

d. I think so

9. Your friend is talking about a movie you both saw and says it was fantastic. You agree and say:

a. Yes, I absolutely agree

b. Yes, I completely agree

c. No, I do not agree

d. I think so

10. You won’t go to work tomorrow, will you? … ( Disagree )

a. Yes, I want

b. Yes, I will

c. No, I will not

d. No. I won’t

Demikian merupakan pembahasan tentang contoh soal dan ungkapan dari agreement and disagreement. Semoga bermanfaat.

KUNCI JAWABAN Kelas 9 SMP Bahasa Inggris Contoh Soal dan Ungkapan, Agreement and Disagreement