Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban. Berbagai contoh soal berikut disesuaikan dengan materi yang tertera di buku, Bahasa Inggris My Next Words Kelas 4 SD dilansir via Sistem Informasi Perbukuan Indonesia, Kemdikbud.
Selengkapnya contoh soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 4 Kurikulum Merdeka. Berikut ini contoh soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar Kurikulum Merdeka.
Dalam buku My Next Word, siswa kelas 4 SD/MI semester satu mempelajari aktivitas sehari-hari, berhitung dalam bahasa inggris, meminta pertolongan hingga aktivitas di dalam ruangan seperti dapur.
Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
Terdapat latihan soal mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang tersedia di dalam artikel untuk siswa kelas 4 SD. Kunci jawaban yang disertakan, semakin membuat siswa kelas 4 SD dapat memahami materi Bahasa Inggris semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka sebelum menghadapi PAS/UAS.
Adik-adik kelas 4, berikut ini latihan soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka serta kunci jawabannya. Dipelajari dengan baik ya supaya nilai kalian bagus.
Terdiri dari soal pilihan ganda, siswa kelas 4 SD bisa banyak berlatih soal materi Bahasa Inggris.
Berikut selengkapnya contoh soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 4 Kurikulum Merdeka:
Ilustrasi soal bahasa Inggris Foto: dok. Kemendikbud
The students are ….. in the schoolyard.
A. Playing
B. Eating
C. Reading
D. Sleeping
Jawaban: A. Playing
2. Look at the picture!
Ilustrasi soal bahasa Inggris Foto: dok. Kemdikbud
Made is …… at the canteen.
A. Reading
B. Writing
C. Eating
D. Burrowing
Jawaban: C. Eating
3. First, second, ….. , fourth, fifth, …..
A. Three, six
B. Thee, sixth
C. Third, six
D. Third, sixth
Jawaban: D. Third, sixth
4. Twelve divided two equals ……
A. Nine
B. Seven
C. Eight
D. Six
Jawaban: D. Six
Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
5. Sixty six plus seventy five equals ……
A. One hundred and forty one
B. One hundred and fifty two
C. One hundred and sixty one
D. One hundred and seventy two
Jawaban: A. One hundred and forty one
6. 64 : 8 = ……
A. Eight
B. Nine
C. Ten
D. Eleven
Jawaban: A. Eight
7. My mother is cooking in the …..
A. Bathroom
B. Dining room
C. Bedroom
D. Kitchen
Jawaban: D. Kitchen
8. If our body is dirty, we clean ourselves in the …..
A. Bathroom
B. Dining room
C. Bedroom
D. Kitchen
Jawaban: A. Bathroom
9. There are ….. in my bedroom. Except!
A. A lamp
B. A clock
D. Two pillows
Jawaban: C. A TV
Look at the picture and complete the sentences for number 10-13!
Ilustrasi soal bahasa Inggris Foto: dok. Kemdikbud
10. Mr. Udin …… a newspaper in the living room
A. Watches
B. Reads
C. Cooks
D. Studies
Jawaban: B. Reads
11. Cici and mom watch …. in the living room.
B. A Book
C. A Lamp
D. A dolls
Jawaban: A. TV
12. Lili plays doll in the ……..
A. In the living room
B. In the bedroom
C. In the kitchen
D. In the bathroom
Jawaban: A. In the living room
13. What does Ujang do in the living room?
A. Studies
B. Plays
C. Eats
D. Sleeps
Jawaban: A. Studies
Arrange the words for number 14-17
14. R E T U C I P
A. Retupic
B. Tucirep
C. Picture
D. Picuter
Jawab: C. Picture
15. C K L O C
A. Colkc
B. Ckloc
C. Clokc
D. Clock
Jawaban: D. Clock
16. M L A P
A. Lamp
B. Lapm
C. Lmpa
D. Mlap
Jawaban: A. Lamp
17. V I L E T E S I O N
A. Telesiovin
B. Televisión
C. Viletesion
D. Vitelesion
Jawaban: B. Television
18. My Father wears a ….. in the hand.
A. Spoon
B. Watch
C. Plate
D. Doll
Jawaban: B. Watch
19. My mother keeps fruits, meat and vegetables fresh in the …..
A. Stove
B. Cupboard
C. Freezer
D. Pail
Jawaban: C. Freezer
20. We use …. to drink.
A. Spoon
B. Plate
C. Glass
D. Frok
Jawaban: C. Glass
Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
Alternatif Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Kurikulum Merdeka
Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka beserta Kunci Jawaban
Soal 1. Putri and Happy are…. in the pool
A. cleaning
B. swimming
C. playing marbles
D. sleeping
Jawaban: B
Soal 2. They are… in the classroom
A. studying math
B. buying snacks
C. drawing flowers
D. giving books
Jawaban: A
Soal 3. Beni and friends are…
A. borrowing books
B. buying ball
C. having lunch
D. playing football
Jawaban: D
Soal 4. Tina is a book in the library …
A. borrowing
B. writing
C. reading
D. watching
Jawaban: C
Baca Juga: 45 Soal Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS) Akidah Akhlak Kelas 4 Kurikulum Merdeka Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal UAS PAS
Soal 5. Made is …. his hands
A. talking
B. walking
C. washing
Jawaban: C
Soal 6. They are … the living room
A. cleaning
B. discussing
C. going
D. gardening
Jawaban: A
Soal 7. Adit and Ayuni are … to school on foot
A. singing
B. dancing
C. going
D. studying
Jawaban: C
Soal 8. MAde is…. “Tari Rejang”
A. watching
B. dancing
C. borrowing
D. buying
Jawaban: B
Soal 9. Rangga is …. in the bed
A. cooking
B. drinking
C. thinking
D. sleeping
Jawaban: D
Soal 10. Tiara is…
A. buying food
B. skipping rope
C. swimming
D. washing her foot
Jawaban: B
Soal 11. How many math books are there? (86 buku)
A. eighty seven
B. eighty six
C. ninety seven
D. ninety six
Jawaban: B
Soal 12. 45 + 35 = …
A. sixty
B. eighty
C. seventy
D. ninety
Jawaban: B
Soal 13. seventy six minus eleven is…
A. fifty four
B. fifty seven
C. sixty five
D. sixty three
Jawaban: C
Soal 14. How many pencils are there? (59 pensil)
A. sixty eight
B. sixty nine
C. fifty eight
D. fifty nine
Jawaban: D
Soal 15. What number is it? (74)
A. seventy four
B. seventy five
C. eighty six
D. eighty three
Jawaban: A
Soal 16. What number is Mr. Aditya’s house? (no. 100)
A. eighty nine
B. ninety eight
C. one hundred
D. seventy six
Jawaban: C
Soal 17 . What number is Mr. Made’s house? (98)
A. ninety eight
B. ninety seven
C. eighty nine
D. eighty five
Jawaban: A
Soal 18. Forty four plus fifty two is…
A. seventy nine
B. eighty six
C. ninety six
D. one hundred
Jawaban: C
Soal 19. I have a number, it is between 60 and 90. Guess it, what is my number?
A. forty six
B. eighty three
C. ninenty one
D. one hundred
Jawaban: B
Soal 20. One hundred devided by two is …
A. forty
B. fifty
C. sixty
D. two hundred
Jawaban: B
Soal 21. Where is Jojo? (di kamar mandi)
A. he is in bathroom
B. he is in living room
C. he is in dining room
D. he is in bedroom
Jawaban: A
Soal 22. Where are Siti and family?
They are in…
A. kitchen
B. garage
C. living room
D. dining room
Jawaban: D
Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
Soal 23. Where is the living room?
The living room is…
A. beside the kitchen
B. behind the bedroom
C. beside the dining room
D. behind the bathroom
Jawaban: C
Soal 24. Where is the kitchen?
The kitchen is…
A. behind the bathroom
B. beside the dining room
C. behind the bedroom
D. beside the living room
Jawaban: C
Soal 25. Where is bedroom 1? (belajang kamar mandi)
Bedroom 1 is…
A. beside bedroom 2
B. behind the bathroom
C. is beside dining room
D. is behind the kitchen
Jawaban: B
Soal 26. How is the condition? (rapi)
A. clean
B. dirty
C. tidy
D. empty
Jawaban: C
Soal 27. How is the condition? (kotor)
A. empty
B. clean
C. dirty
D. big
Jawaban: C
Soal 28. How is the garage? (kosong)
The garage is…
A. tidy
B. empty
C. dirty
D. dark
Jawaban: B
Soal 29. How is the condition?
A. large and tidy
B. big and dirty
C. large and empty
D. big and dark
Jawaban: A
Soal 30. How is the condition?
A. the bedroom is dirty
B. the living room is tidy
C. the dining room is empty
D. the bathroom is clean
Jawaban: D
Soal 31. Ten + twenty =
A. eleven
B. twelve
C. thirty
D. twenty two
Jawaban: C
Soal 32. I have … hand fingers
A. ten
B. nine
C. five
D. seven
Jawaban: A
Soal 33. A cow has … feet
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
Jawaban: D
Soal 34. Six , twelve, eighteen, twenty four, …
a. twenty five
b. thirty
c. twenty eight
d. thirty four
Jawaban: B
Soal 35. 10 – 5 =
a. ten times five equal five
b. ten divided by five equal five
c. ten and five equal five
d. ten less five equal five
Jawaban: D
Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
Soal 36. 2 x 3 = 6
a. two times three equal six
b. two divided by three equal six
c. two and three equal six
d. two less three equal six
Jawaban: A
Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Tema 3 Kelas 4 SD Halaman 99: Kondisi Lingkungan Sekolah, Bagaimana Kondisi Taman di Sekolahmu?
Soal 37. X : … ?
Y : “My name is Emmy”.
a. What is your name
b. Where is your name
c. Who is your name
d. When is your name
Jawaban: A
Soal 38. A : … ?
B : “He is my teacher”.
a. What is he
b. Who is he
c. Why is he
d. Where is he
Jawaban: A
Soal 39. A : “Look ! She is beautiful girl”.
B : “What is … name?”.
a. His
b. Her
c. Their
d. Our
Jawaban: B
Soal 40. Kevin : “… ?”
Reno : “I am ten years old”.
a. How are you
b. How old are you
c. What is your name
d. Who are you
Jawaban: B
Soal 41. My mother is a secretary.
… works in a private company
a. He
b. She
c. We
d. They
Jawaban: B
Soal 42. I am … television at night
a. watching
b. reading
c. listening
d. studying
Jawaban: A
Soal 43. Father and mother are my …
a. parents
b. teacher
c. friends
d. family
Jawaban: A
Soal 44. A : Are you Yudha ?
B : …
a. Yes, I am
b. No, I am
c. Yes, am I
d. Yes, I am not
Jawaban: A
Soal 45. Is this a book ?
… This is a bag.
a. No, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it is
d. Yes, it is not
Jawaban: C
Soal 46. Tina and Talita :” Good night, dad”.
Their father : “Good night dear, … .“
a. Thank you
b. Be careful
c. Have a nice dream
d. Have a nice trip
Jawaban: C
Soal 47. Is this your book ?
a. No, it is
b. Yes, it is
c. Yes, I am
d. Yes, it is not
Jawaban: B
Soal 48. We use tongue for …
a. tasting
b. chewing
c. thingking
d. walking
Jawaban: A
Soal 49. The colour of bananas are …
a. red
b. white
c. blue
d. yellow
Jawaban: D
Soal 50. Their hobby is playing football. They are playing in the …
a. farm
b. field
c. garden
d. road
Jawaban: B
Soal 51. Its colour is white. We use it for writing on the blackboard. It is …
a. cupboard
b. table
c. pencil
d. chalk
Jawaban: D
Soal 52. Sweeping the floor
She is …
a. sweeping the floor
b. cleaning the floor
c. mopping the floor
d. watering the floor
Jawaban: A
Soal 53. Andra likes listening to the …
a. music
b. television
c. picture
d. toys
Jawaban: A
Soal 54. X : “Where is the flower vase?”
Y : “It is … “.
a. at the wall
b. on the table
c. at the door
d. on the door
Jawaban: B
Soal 55. My mother cooks in the …
a. kitchen
b. garden
c. garage
d. bed room
Jawaban: A
Soal 56. I … drinking a glass of water.
a. am
b. is
c. are
d. do
Jawaban: A
Soal 57. The colour of the sea is …
a. black
b. grey
c. white
d. blue
Jawaban: D
Soal 58. There is a pencil. We use it for …
a. reading
b. cooking
c. writing
d. eating
Jawaban: C
Soal 59. Ariel goes to school everyday. He is a …
a. doctor
b. student
c. farmer
d. soldier
Jawaban: B
Soal 60. The colour of our flag is …
a. red and white
b. black and white
c. red and black
d. red and blue
Jawaban: A
Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
Demikian 60 latihan soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka serta kunci jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat.
Kebenaran jawaban yang tertera di atas sifatnya tidak mutlak. Jawaban sifatnya terbuka sehingga bisa dieksplorasi lagi lebih lanjut.
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