Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Halaman 129, 133, 137, Question and Answer. Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris ini bisa adik-adik kelas 7 gunakan untuk membantu belajar dan menjawab soal. Halo adik-adik, hari ini kita akan membahas kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 7 SMP pada halaman 129, 133, 137 chapter 6.

Berikut kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 7, dilansir dari buku paket Bahasa Inggris edisi 2017 Kemendikbud pada 18 Januari 2022.

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Halaman 129, 133, 137, Question and Answer

Halaman 129

1. Beni

Question: Beni, what does your father do?

Answer: My father is a farmer. He plants and grows rice.

2. Dayu

Question: How about you, Dayu, what does your father do?

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Answer: He is a teacher. He teaches mathematics in junior high school.

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Halaman 129, 133, 137, Question and Answer

3. Lisa

Question: Lisa, how about your mother? What does she do?

Answer: She is a housewife. She takes a good care of us and our house.

4. Udin

Question: What does your mother do, Udin?

Answer: She’s a surgeon. She performs operation on her parents.

5. Edo

Question: How about you, Edo? What do you do?

Answer: I’m student.

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Halaman 129, 133, 137, Question and Answer

Halaman 133

Now we know, to ask about someone’s job/profession, we ask:

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What do you usually do?

What does your father’s always do?

Now we know to state someone’s job/professions, we say:

I am a student always studied diligently in order to become a successful person

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Halaman 129, 133, 137, Question and Answer

He is a chef he usually cook’s a delicious food’s

She is a housewife she take a good care of us and our house

Halaman 137

1. I always arrive at to school early.

2. At school, first I will go to my classroom and put my bag on my table.

3. Then I will clean the whiteboard.

4. Next, I will sweep the floor.

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Halaman 129, 133, 137, Question and Answer

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5. After that, I will sit on my chair and I will read the textbook for the period until the bell rang.

Demikian kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas 7 SMP. Semoga bemanfaat.

Disclaimer: artikel ini dibuat untuk membantu siswa belajar secara mandiri. Jawaban bersifat terbuka, artinya bisa dikembangkan lagi oleh siswa.

Sumber : https://www.kunci-jawaban.id/jawaban-soal-latihan-bahasa-inggris-smp-kelas-7-halaman-129-133-137-question-answer/