Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words. Ini 100 lebih soal dan kunci jawaban Tes tahap 2, tes Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN tahun 2023 dengan mengerjakan artikel ini, diharapkan para peserta dapat semakin memahami materi Bahasa Inggris di tes BUMN.

Ada 100 lebih contoh soal dan kunci jawaban Tes tahap 2 materi Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN tahun 2023, anak-anak dapat mengerjakan soal-soal materi Bahasa Inggris yang diprediksi keluar di tes BUMN.

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023

1. The vice president got his secretary … the meeting invitation letter last weekend

A. To type

B. Typing

C. Type

D. Typed

Jawaban: A

2. … Miss Clara nor Mr. Ridho will attend the annual workshop next monday

A. Neither

B. Either

C. Both

D. Not only

Jawaban: A

3. Jakarta, …. is located in Java Island

A. Which the largest city in Southeast Asia

B. Where the largest city in Southeast Asia

C. Is the largest city in Southeast Asia

D. The largest city in Southeast Asia

Jawaban: D

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

4. … the bad weather, she went the work

A. During

B. Because

C. In spite of

D. Although

Jawaban: C


A Graduation is something you should be especially proud of, and you deserve to enjoy hard-earned second.

5. The text is written to…

A. Wish the reciepents luck

B. Enjoy the special moment

C. Congratulate on one’s graduation

D. Express a hope of one’s success

Jawaban: C

6. The government considered … subsidies to shield the public from the effects of global energy price hikes

A. Provide

B. To provide

C. Providing

D. Provided

Jawaban: C

7. When a stroke occurs, it can cause serious damage quickly. Scientists have experimented with a new procedure to …. the damage

A. Alleviate

B. Increase

C. Aggravate

D. Induce

Jawaban: A

8. The information, communication and technology (ICT) industry …. to about 2 percent of glonal carbon dioxide emissions, the same amount as the aviation industry

A. Accounts

B. Generates

C. Contributes

D. Produces

Jawaban: C

9. It is highly possible that respiratory viruses could … even more following holiday gatherings and New Year’s Eve celebrations

A. Invade

B. Spread

C. Diminish

D. Contaminate

Jawaban: B

10. “….and you deserve to enjoy every hard-earned second”

The sentence means that

A. The way to get sucess is very hard

B. The writer likes to enjoy the graduation day

C. The writer appreciate the recipients struggles

D. The recipient is worthy to achieve his success

Jawaban: D

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

11. Stress, poor, posture, sleeping habits, …. from sports, car or or other accidents and chronic illnesses can induce neck pain

A. Well being

B. Robustness

C. Injuries

D. Fatality

Jawaban: C

12. Cochlear implants use electrodes in an area of the inner ear called the cochlea, which is damaged in people with … or complete hearing loss

A. Severe

B. Enormous

C. Jocular

D. Healthy

Jawaban: A

13. The word “deserve” can be replaced by…

A. Lose

B. Gain

C. Pass

D. Spend

Jawaban: B

Rani, sorry i cant come to your house tonight to do the wall magazine project as we have planned. My grandmother has just come and she wants me to accompany her to my aunt’s house. I will meet you at school tomorrow.


14. Erika wrote the message to…

A. Remind Rani to finish the project at her house

B. Ask Rani to come to her aunts house with her

C. Apologize for her absence of doing the project

D. Tell her grandma’s attendance to her house

Jawaban: C

15. What will Rani likely do after reading the message?

A. Come to Rani’s house to do the project

B. Accompany Rani to her grandma’s house

C. Reply the message and ask her to take care

D. Come to school to meet Rani as soon as possible

Jawaban: C

To all 3rd President’s Cup participants:

Please be informed that the tournament this coming August 21 (Wednesday) is cancelled due to the current inclement weather.

It is tentatively reschudeled to August 31 (Saturday) if the weather will permit. Please wait for updates.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

16. The above announcement may be found in a

A. Memo

B. Brochure

C. Newspaper

D. Lesson book

Jawaban: C

17. On reading the text, the tournament participants will likely…

A. Cancel the tournament

B. Reschudele the activity

C. Complain to the committee

D. Wait for the latest information

Jawaban: D

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

18. There is current inclement weather … the President Cup tournament is cancelled.

A. Or

B. So

C. But

D. And

Jawaban: B




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What is the closes in meaning of “Promo”?

A. Giving

B. Selling

C. Buying

D. Advertising

Jawaban: D

20. What should we do if we want to buy Mino Burger?

A. Coming to Mino burger shop

B. Calling Mino burger to get 50 percent off

C. Ordering by online at its web address www.minoburger.com

D. Ordering by phone at phone number available on Mino’s web

Jawaban: C

21. Miss Clara nor Mr. Elang will attend the annual workshop next monday

A. Neither

B. Either

C. Both

D. Not only

Jawaban: A

22. …. was backed up for miles on the freeway

A. Yesterday

B. Cars

C. Traffic

D. In the morning

Jawaban: D

23. Fitzgerald ….. the society of the 1920’s in his novel, the great gatsby

A. Reflect

B. Reflects

C. Are reflecting

D. Have reflected

Jawaban: B

24. Engineers …. for work on the new space program

A. Necessary

B. Are needed

C. Hopefully

D. Next month

Jawaban: D

25. With his friend …. found the movie theater

A. Has

B. He

C. Later

D. When

Jawaban: B

26. I enjoy …. to music

A. Listening

B. Listen

C. Listened

D. Was listened

Jawaban: A

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

27. The way professor Mattis teaches Mathematics not only keeps the student interest

A. And also increases their motivation

B. But also increasing their motivation

C. And he also increases their motivation

D. But also increase their motivation

E. The motivation

Jawaban: D

28. School principals … at schools

A. Is working

B. Work

C. Going to work

D. Maybe working

E. To working

Jawaban: B

29. While living in Kebumen, we always went to school on foot. This meant that we … on foot while we were living in Bogor

A. Go to school

B. Are going to school

C. Used to go to school

D. Are used to going to school

E. Liked going to school

Jawaban: C

30. I … from Indonesia

A. Is

B. Are

C. Am

D. Be

E. Were

Jawaban: C

31. Duke Ellington wrote … during his career

A. That over a thousand songs

B. Over a thousand songs

C. Over a thousand songs were

D. There were over a thousand songs

Jawaban: B

32. Manufactuers may use food additives … to color, to flavor, or to fortify foods.

A. For preserving

B. Which preserve

C. To preserve

D. Being preserving

Jawaban: C

33. Rabies is a (A). serious disease (B). Carried in the (C). Saliva of (D). An infected animals.

Jawaban: D

34. Brakes and cluthces (A). serve very different (B). functions in an automobile, (C). and their principles of operation (D). are nearly the same.

Jawaban: C

35. At midnight, the second shift of security guards …. on duty

A. Coming

B. To come

C. Comes

D. Come

Jawaban: C

36. Ms. Najar wants to … the costs by tonight

A. Final

B. Finalize

C. Finally

D. Finality

Jawaban: B

37. Ms. Yu has suggested …. more reservation clerks

A. Hire

B. Hiring

C. Hired

D. To hire

Jawaban: B

38. A customer service representative ….. at our catalogue number

A. Alaways is available

B. Is always available

C. Is available always

D. Being always available

Jawaban: B

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

39. Can you meet with us …. 11.00?

A. On

B. For

C. At

D. In

Jawaban: C

40. … Miss Clara nor Mr. Elang will attend the annual workshop next monday

A. Neither

B. Either

C. Both

D. Not only

Jawaban: A

41. The document that you requested … on your desk

A. Is

B. Am

C. Are

D. Were

Jawaban: A

42. The …. businessperson always dresses appropriately

A. Success

B. Succeed

C. Successful

D. Succession

Jawaban: C

43. You will find all the pencils you need …. that drawer

A. Through

B. Under

C. On

D. In

Jawaban: D

44. Several important pieces of information were …. from the report

A. Omit

B. Omitted

C. Omitting

D. Omission

Jawaban: B

45. If the weather is bad, we …. the trip

A. Will cancel

B. Have canceled

C. Canceled

D. Are canceling

Jawaban: A

46. You can always count on Ms. Cho, as she is one of our most …. employees

A. Depend

B. Depending

C. Dependable

D. Dependence

Jawaban: C

47. Mr. Jones finally…. a promotion and he was very happy to get it

A. Deceived

B. Conceived

C. Perceived

D. Received

Jawaban: D

48. The office was in excellent condition when we moved in because the former ….. was very tidy

A. Occupy

B. Occupied

C. Occupant

D. Occupancy

Jawaban: C

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

49. No one can go home … the work is finished

A. If

B. Until

C. Since

D. Because

Jawaban: B

50. Just walk…..that door and you will see the copy machine on the other side

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A. Under

B. Around

C. Between

D. Through

Jawaban: D

51. What is the antonym of “benevolent”?

A. Kind
B. Cruel
C. Generous
D. Altruistic

Jawaban: B. Cruel

52. What is the meaning of the word “diligent”?

A. Lazy
B. Hardworking
C. Careless
D. Uninterested

Jawaban: B. Hardworking

53. What is the synonym of “agile”?

A. Slow
B. Flexible
C. Rigid
D. Stiff

Jawaban: B. Flexible

54. What is the antonym of “expand”?

A. Contract
B. Shrink
C. Grow
D. Enlarge

Jawaban: A. Contract

55. Australia is known for its unique wildlife, including kangaroos, koalas, and wallabies. But did you know that Australia is also home to some of the most dangerous animals in the world? The saltwater crocodile, box jellyfish, and funnel web spider are just a few examples of these deadly creatures.

What is Australia known for?

A. Its dangerous animals
B. Its unique wildlife
C. Its beaches
D. Its landmarks

Jawaban: B.

56. What are some examples of Australia’s dangerous animals?

A. Kangaroos, koalas, and wallabies
B. Saltwater crocodile, box jellyfish, and funnel web spider
C. Lions, tigers, and bears
D. None of the above

Jawaban: B.

57. Climate change is a serious problem that affects the whole planet. It is caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. Climate change leads to rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and more extreme weather conditions.

What is climate change?

A. A serious problem that affects the whole planet
B. A type of weather condition
C. A way to improve the environment
D. None of the above

Jawaban: A.

58. What causes climate change?

A. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes
B. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes
C. Changes in the sun’s energy output
D. None of the above

Jawaban: A.

59. Mr Stephen … the office by time time I phoned him

a. Leaves
b. Was leaving
c. Has already left
d. Had already left

Jawaban: D

60. …, I would have gone to Japan

a. If I had enough money
b. If I have had enough money
c. If I have enough money
d. If I will have enough money

Jawaban: A

61. When you need supplies, …. a request with the office manager

A. Filling

B. Fell

C. Fallen

D. File

Jawaban: D

62. The bell captain suggested that more porters … hired

A. Are

B. Have

C. Be

D. Do

Jawaban: C

63. The last train to Hamburg … at 10.30

A. Depart

B. Departs

C. To depart

D. Departing

Jawaban: B

64. The vice-president will be seated …. the chairman at the banquet

A. As

B. By

C. To

D. From

Jawaban: B

65. The manager got his staff … last weekend

A. To work

B. Was working

C. Workable

D. Worked

Jawaban: A

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

66. The newspaper expects circulation … next year

A. To ascend

B. To increase

C. To escalate

D. To raise

Jawaban: B

67. The head of operations … to the management convetion

A. Going

B. Are going

C. Go

D. Is going

Jawaban: D

68. Reductions in the budget require us …. our costs for international travel

A. Limits

B. To limit

C. Limiting

D. Limit

Jawaban: B

69. The ticket holders may be … about the change in date

A. Confusing

B. Confuse

C. Confused

D. Confuses

Jawaban: C

70. Ms. Mosley is …. member of our advertising team

A. Creative

B. Most creative

C. More creative

D. The most creative

Jawaban: D

71. Rina: “Andi, will you close the windows? please. I’m busy right now.”

Andi: “I’m busy myself, but I ………anyhow.”

A. Will close them
B. Will have to close them
C. Will have them closed
D. Will ask you to close them

Jawaban: C

72. It was very difficult to park the car in Pondok Indah Mall as there were not any … parking spaces.

A. Vacant
B. Blank
C. Uninhabited
D. Bare

Jawaban: A

73. You are already grown up so you should be able to … between good and bad.

A. Differentiate
B. Discriminate
C. Distinguish
D. Verify

Jawaban: C

74. The manager was very worried because his production figures were …

A. Falling off
B. Falling out
C. Falling over
D. Falling through

Jawaban: A

75. Having given the prescription to the patient…

A. The medicine was taken regularly by the patient
B. The doctor told the patient to take the medicine regularly
C. The medicine had to be taken regularly by the patient
D. The patient was told to take the medicine regularly

Jawaban: B

76. He was so surprised by the things happening so fast that he had a look of … on his face.

A. Astonishment
B. Amazement
C. Puzzlement
D. Excitement

Jawaban: C

77. The street all over Jakarta are flooded. … last night.

Baca Juga :  FFWReward 2024.com : Panduan Lengkap untuk Mendapatkan Hadiah dan Manfaatnya

A. It must be raining
B. There might have rain
C. It must have rained
D. There might have been raining

Jawaban: C

78. We went to the painting exhibition … the rain.

A. Because
B. Although
C. In spite of
D. Despite of

Jawaban: D

79. I counted twenty students at …, the others were all members of the teaching staff.

A. The least
B. The most
C. The fewest
D. The more

Jawaban: A

80. I recommended that the organization … its by-laws as soon as possible.

A. Finished composing
B. Should finish composing
C. Finish composing
D. Finishes composing

Jawaban: A

81. Since the road is wet this morning, … last night.

A. It must rain
B. It must be raining
C. It must have rained
D. It must have been rain

Jawaban: B

82. We had to wait a long time to get these books back, …?

A. Don’t we
B. Couldn’t we
C. Didn’t we
D. Shouldn’t we

Jawaban: C

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

83. A trip to Bali should …

A. Benefit to you
B. Be well for you
C. Do you good
D. Be beneficial with you

Jawaban: B

84. The passengers of the Aagle Airways……. their flight schedule several times.

A. Look over
B. Look into
C. Look out
D. Look after

Jawaban: A

85. I … the advertisement at local newspaper.

A. Reading
B. Would Reading
C. Have Reading
D. Read

Jawaban: D

86…. Miss Clara nor Mr Elang will attend the annual workshop next Monday

A. Neither
B. Either
C. Both
D. Not only

Jawaban: A

87. Don’t persuade Joan’s husband to buy her a ring, he is rather … over money matters.

A. Jealous
B. Mean
C. Selfish
D. Greedy

Jawaban: B

88. I said that I would rather not … it right now.

A. Discussing
B. To discuss
C. Discuss
D. Discussion

Jawaban: C

89. The term “support staff” is often used to describe employees that perform lower-level task but also are providing essential administrative duties for executive-level managers.

A. that perform lower-level tasks but also are providing
B. performing lower-level tasks but also providing
C. who perform lower-level tasks but also provide
D. that performs lower-level task but also provide

Jawaban: C

90. A few million rupiahs, he went on a four to Europe.

A. Saved
B. Has saved
C. He has saved
D. Having saved

Jawaban: D

91. … Position of the planet Earth in relation to the Sun is always changing a little bit.

A. The

B. That the

C. It was the

D. There was a

Jawaban: A

92. The ordinary chair … in countless shapes, sizes, styles, and materials.

A. Has been made

B. To the made

C. Is making

D. Been making

Jawaban: A

93. Richard Wright’s Uncle Tom’s Children, a collection of short (a) stories, were (b) a critical success (C) whem it appeared (d) in 1938.

Jawaban: B

94. Migrating butterflies (a) can travel (b) long distant (c) over (d) water

Jawaban: C

95. Willa Cather is known (a) for My Antonia and another (b) novels of the (c) American frontier (d)

Jawaban: B

96. The eardrum (a) is the only (b) organ in a human (c) body that is capable of detecting changes in air (d) pressure

Jawaban: C

97. Early (a) adolescence is a developmental (b) phase consisting of rapid (c) changes in behaviour, psyhcological (d), and hormones

Jawaban: D

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

98. The guest were amazed by the … statues in the garden.

A. Color

B. Colorful

C. Colors

D. Colorfully

Jawaban: B

99. Many places of history (a), scientific, cultural (b), or scenic (c) importance have been designated national (d) monuments

Jawaban: A

100. Snakebirds were not given (a) their name because they (b) eat snakes, but (c) because of (d) their long, slender necks resemble snakes.

Jawaban: D

101. It appears that our competitors are considering … our takeover proposal

A. To accept

B. Accept

C. Accepting

D. Accepted

Jawaban: C

102. The old distributor’s delivery was… than the new one.

A. Fast

B. Faster

C. Fastest

D. More fast

Jawaban: B

103. Our new line of women’s fashion has proven… to be a top seller

A. Its

B. Hers

C. Herself

D. Itself

Jawaban: D

104. These simple guidelines can improve hiring procedures… for us and for our potential employess

A. Neither

B. Both

C. Also

D. Either

Jawaban: B

105. Mr. Sanchez will be arriving … Monday the 25th …. 5 o’clock

A. In; at

B. On; in

C. At; in

D. On; at

Jawaban: D

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes Tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2023, Replaced Words

Sumber : tribunnews.com